
KZN Liquor Authority

Renew a Licence

Renew your licence with simple easy steps below, download renewal forms

Documents to accompany the application(s)

  • A certified copy of the current liquor license with conditions.
  • A certified copy of the Identity Document of the license holder.
  • An original or certified copy of a valid and active tax clearance certificate from SARS (or proof of the application at SARS for a tax clearance certificate) valid from the date of lodgement of the renewal application.
  • An original or certified copy of a clearance certificate issued by the SAPS (or proof of the application at SAPS for criminal record clearance certificate) valid as at the date of lodgement of the application of a period in excess of three months from the date of issue by the SAPS.
  • Completed applications can be lodged at any KZNLA offices on any day and must be in DUPLICATE
  • Payment should only be done once the Liquor Authority communicates with you to do so.

The schedule of renewal fees is attached here.


The applicant

A renewal of a liquor licence must be made six months prior to the expiry date of the licence.

Complete FORM – KZNLA 19 – available from KZNLA Head office and at
all District offices OR by clicking on button below


Application for a licence renewal

  • Renewal applications can be submitted at the Head Office or District Offices at any day of the week.
Once the applicant has completed the application and attached the required supportive documentation, the applicant can lodge the application with the Liquor Authority on any day excluding declared public holidays.

Application forms

Find & Download All Application
Forms Here

Licence Categoies

Make sure you apply for the right licence. Find here

Banking Details

click here to check our banking details for transacting