
KZN Liquor Authority

Underage Drinking

A picture of a pregnant tennager

Monitor your children’s exposure to alcohol: KZN Liquor Authority

One of the challenges the programme aims to address is teenage pregnancy The KwaZulu-Natal Liquor Authority has urged parents to monitor their children’s exposure to alcohol. The authority’s board visited Vikingozi secondary school this past week where it emphasised the importance of education to pupils. “It is of utmost importance to make informed choices that […]

Monitor your children’s exposure to alcohol: KZN Liquor Authority Read More »

A reporter talks to the 16-year-old girl who was allegedly gang-raped by six boys, aged between 15 and 17 years, They had apparently been drinking at a local tavern despite being underage. With her is her mother and a policeman

Underage drinking remains a continual scourge

Acting CEO of the KZN Liquor Authority has urged young people to prioritize their well-being by abstaining from alcohol until they reach the legal drinking age. The KwaZulu Natal Liquor Authority has urged residents to be vigilant as underage drinking remains a prevalent issue in many communities. This was stressed by the acting CEO of the authority Bheki Mbanjwa

Underage drinking remains a continual scourge Read More »